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Helpful Advice

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Dear Future Student,

If you are planning to take Digital Story Telling in the near future, here are a few words of advice. If you take this class with Martha Burtis you will have no tests or quizzes, sounds great right. Wrong. There are a lot of projects in this class and it is very time consuming, so if you have other classes that require a good amount of attention, then this might not be the best road for you.

This class also requires a lot of creativity and you must be open with all of your work, so if you are shy or do not like sharing with classmates, then this class might not be for you. If you do not like computers, then I would definitely not recommend this class.

If you are not concerned about the above and want to learn something new, then this is a great place to start. In order to succeed in this class you will have to devote a little bit of time every day because constant feedback is expected. I thought the hardest part of this class was learning the software required to complete some of the projects, especially video. You do not need  a Mac computer for this class even though you might here otherwise. Windows movie maker works just fine. Group assignments are also required in this class and all I can say is good luck. Sometimes they work out and sometimes they don’t, not everyone is a team player. In the end, if you are a computer whiz, have tons of additional software on your computer, like photoshop, and you are super creative, this class will be a piece of cake. If you are a normal student you will have to work hard like you do in all of your other classes. Best of luck.


Your fellow UMW mentor


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