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  1. mdunlap

    Amaryllis Trivia

    Amaryllis aka “Belladona Lilly ” Facts The name Amaryllis comes from the Greek word “amarysso” which means “to sparkle”. The Amaryllis is commonly referred to as the “‘Lilly” in South Africa, the UK and Italy. This is because the flower … Continue reading
  2. mdunlap

    Dahlia trivia

    Dahlia Facts The Dahlia is native to Mexico, Columbia, and Central America. The species ‘Dahlia Pinnata’ is the National flower of Mexico. This Dahlia is also the official flower of Seattle, Washington. Dahlias have tuberous roots which enable them to … Continue reading
  3. mdunlap

    Geramium Trivia

    Geranium Facts The Geranium is native to temperate, Mediterranean  and African regions around the world. There are over 422 species of Geraniums and they are commonly known as ‘cranesbill’. This name is derived from the seed capsule found on some … Continue reading
  4. mdunlap

    Hyacinth Trivia

    Hyacinth Facts Hyacinths originated in Turkey, Mediterranean and African regions. Once again the Netherlands is the main producer of this plant. The flowers are star shaped unlike the grape hyacinth, in which the flowers resemble a cluster of grapes. March … Continue reading
  5. mdunlap

    Petunia Trivia

    Petunia Facts Petunias are native to South America and mainly produced in Argentina. Other plants in the Petunia family include gooseberries, tobacco, chili peppers, tomatoes, deadly nightshades(which is a toxic berry plant) and potatoes. The word Petunia originated from the … Continue reading
  6. mdunlap


    Fun facts about Daffodils Daffodils are the national flower of Wales and they are traditionally worn on St. Davids day. If you were born in March, your birth flower is the Daffodil. The Daffodil symbolizes the Chinese New Year and … Continue reading
  7. mdunlap

    Tulip Trivia

      The Tulip was discovered in Central Asia and was first produced by the Turks. From here the flower migrated to places like Europe and Holland. After the introduction of tulips in the early 1600′s, farmers started to produce and … Continue reading
  8. mdunlap

    Cherry Blossom

    Fun Facts about the Cherry Blossom Most people living in Virginia or attending the University of Mary Washington are familiar with Cherry Blossoms. These flowers bloom once a year and there is always a big festival held in Washington, DC. … Continue reading
  9. mdunlap

    Hard Times

      For my mashup I took scenes from the movie “Dick and Jane” and made kind of a montage about hard economic times. I wanted to use scenes from the movie “Office Space” too, which I thought I owned, but … Continue reading
  10. mdunlap


    I have finally figured out how to post to delicious without the plugin. If you have firefox 4.0 you can log directly into delicious and on the upper right hand side there is a blue shaded area that allows you … Continue reading
  11. mdunlap


    So I have attempted to complete this video essay and have  gotten no where. I am using mpeg but all it does is show a picture every once in a while. Nothing is playing and there was no sound. Then I decided to re-install the newer version of quick time in addition to the 1.81 ...
  12. mdunlap

    Too Many Options

    Okay, so my final project is not going so well. I think it is really difficult to come up with an idea because there are so many. I mean where do I start. I am also limited by materials and technology. Sure I could do an interview, but with what, my computer. Who wants to ...
  13. mdunlap

    Teaching with digital tools

    I read the post by Malanie McBride today and I have to admit I am not really sure what I was reading about. I watched the Disney remix of Alice and Wonderland and really have no idea why it was significant. I honestly thought that is was really annoying and very repetitive. Maybe she ...
  14. mdunlap

    Best movie of the year.

    Here is my attempt at creating a web story. I am not very creative, so I decided to use IMDB to edit a movie review. I choose the movie Hot Fuzz which I have seen a few times and is very funny. I did not edit pictures because I was not able to find much ...
  15. mdunlap

    Awkward Moments

    This was the title of our radio show. While putting together this show, I quickly realized that I have no idea how to work with audacity. Since I was recording stories from my friends in a game chat room, some how the settings on my laptops built in mic got changed. When I tried to ...
  16. mdunlap


    Over the past weekend I tuned into ds106 radio to listen to two 30 minute segments. The first show I listened to was about a girl who kept dreaming about herself and some strange mystical creature. I personally thought this sounded like a segment from a movie, but could not place which one. I think ...
  17. mdunlap

    Amazing Album

    For my visual assignment I choose to do an album cover. I used picnic to crop and change the photo a bit. Unfortunately I don’t have any premium access or photo-shop so I could not do much with the photo. I tried to add color to the eyes and lips, but had to pay extra ...
  18. mdunlap

    On This Day

    google history I choose to do a design assignment for this week and picked “On this Day”. For this assignment you search “On this day in history” and inserted your birthday. I was actually surprised because I did not get a whole lot of information. The BBC website ( actually was a great site for ...
  19. mdunlap

    Final project

    This is my first post on the final project and I can honestly say I have no idea what I am going to do. I like taking photos so I guess I will incorporate some pictures. Wish I had photo-shop, it would make life a lot easier. I was hoping to see some examples in ...
  20. mdunlap

    First Day

    For our assignment I listened to First Day. This story was mainly about the first day something occurred.  Examples given were first day on the job or first day going to a new school. I really enjoyed listening to the stories. I did notice the use of breaks between speaking which was filled with music. ...
  21. mdunlap

    Radio reading

    After reading Radio: an Illustrated Guide, I was a little disappointed. I thought the information presented was a little choppy and I did not quite understand the comics. I know visuals normally make reading more interesting but I found it rather distracting. I was hoping the comics would present the information in a funny and ...

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