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Letter to future Digital storytelling student

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Dear prospective storytelling students

First and foremost this class should be at the top of your grocery list for next semester. What I think is so great about this class is that it is so unorthodox. Not many college classes today offer the students to truly express the full extent of their creativity. Never have I been in a class where I could have so much freedom on my assignments. I think this allows students to realize that they are creative and can create art that they could be proud of. I think any student who likes creating and presenting their work to others should think about taking this class. I didn’t find the work that stressful. I think students will  realize that class requires enthusiasm  and that you need to complete you assignments with excitement. I thought the hardest aspect of the class was audio. I thought it was extremely difficult to work with and I thought my voice sounded weird on the  radio. I found it really surprising the amount of freedom the students are given. I think it’s awesome that we were able to decide what we wanted to do for our final project. The easiest part of the class  for me was the visual, since I love working with photoshop and editing images. I think if you decide to take digital storytelling just make sure to have enthusiasm and just don’t give partial effort. If I had control of the class I just think it would be nice if we could see our grades on blackboard besides just finding out every three weeks.

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