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Final Part 3

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So the our rugby team made it to Nationals!!! We got to spend the 14-17 of April in Kissimmee, Florida.  It was hot and humid and we had to play during the hottest part of the day. It was one of the best weekends of the year. We didn’t make it to the final four in Pittsburgh, but we did finish 10th in the Nation!!!! So I’d say we had a pretty successful season. I was able to capture the last 15 minutes of our trip (I was too nervous about the games to try taking photos before hand) as we were getting off the bus and heading to our respective homes to pass out, shower, or turn around and go to class.


This photograph was an accident. I started to drop my pillow as I was taking a photo of everyone getting off the bus and this was the result. I almost deleted it. I’m really glad I didn’t, cause this is exactly how I felt and how I viewed the bus upon opening my eyes.  I just wanted to go back to sleep. (Yes, we drove to Florida on a coach bus.) I simply adjusted the level and curves to show maximum shadow definition and brightness. I also increased the saturation of the blocks of color, because everything was brighter when I first opened my eyes.


I wanted this in black in white because I felt like it makes the desire of the photo’s objects more severe. We (specifically myself) wanted OFF the bus.  Thirteen hours in a stiff chair with no where for my legs to go was thirteen hours too many.  It’s like that torturous wait when you’re on a plane and you know you’re finally at the gate but the attendants won’t let anyone off yet, but you’re still standing impatiently waiting to get off.  I fiddled with the levels and curves to get the best definition and detail, and then I desaturated the photo.


This is the sunrise I witnessed upon returning to Eagle Landing sometime after the sun decided to get up.  I deepened the levels and curves to show off the clouds and shape of the sunrise.  It was beautiful and I was so tired I’m surprised I managed to take the photo.

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