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Way Back Time Machine

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For my last assignment, I decided to post on the Web assignment for the Way Back  Time Machine.  I love this website, I’ve used it before, and I’m always fascinated to look back and see what things used to look like. I’m a news buff, so I check CNN everyday.  Samantha thinks its ridiculous, and (tries) to make fun of me about it.  What can I say, I’m a Poli Sci major, and I like to stay informed on the happenings of the world.

So for the Assignment, I used the way back time machine to go back and look at how has changed over the last few years.  Here’s a series of screenshots:


As you can see, the lay out of the site has changed quite a bit over the years.  Personally, I like the most recent layout the best.  I love how that have tabs at the top, and small sections below with a hand full of stories.  To me, its quick, convenient, and easy to navigate.  I love the headline banner across the top of the page, and I love how under the Justice and US sections, stories are grouped into regions.

One of my favorite features is also the little poll box on the right hand side of the screen.  Sometimes I actually answer, and sometimes I just click on view results.  Its a neat little feature and gives you an idea what other people are thinking.

If anyone hasn’t played with The Wayback Machine, you should def check it out.  Its really cool, and can be somewhat entertaining to see how things used to be.

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