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Digital Motorcycle Ride

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This project has been fun and tortures. Admittedly, most of it I enjoyed because I got to ride the motorcycle around for class work, what can be bad about that. Additionally this is my favorite ride to go one, which is why I used it for the project.

The challenges started with mounting a camera to an already shaky motorcycle. Everyone raves about the new rubber mounted SportstersĀ® being so much smootherā€¦ Iā€™d hate to see what the old ones where like.

The next challenge was deciding how to go about recording the footage for this project. This is where I made the biggest mistake. I would turn on the camera and just ride, with no scenes in mind. My goal here was to catch the unexpected turn, the deer in the road or 4 wheeled drivers doing something stupid. What this created was hours of footage to cut into a few minutes for Youtube. I spent nearly 40 hours cutting and splicing. To do this I had to watch every video in real time and take notes on it. This was a pain.

The second challenge was creating the google maps. I had never used this before so trying to create a route was furiously frustrating. Each time the program would automatically pick the fasted route from one point to the next Iā€™d have to start all over again. I also think there is some limit to how many times you can manually control the route. I got around this by creating ā€œlegsā€ between each part of the route. Not streamline, but it almost works better for the rider who may use this.

The third problem I kept having was that Pinnicle is much to large for my computer. Simply adding text for a frame could take up to 3 mins. In that time the program may lock up or shut down.

Creating the directions video was less than exciting too. Actually I took the car out for that because I couldnā€™t carry a notebook on the motorcycle and take down distances and take pictures of each turn. I had initially intended on using my GPS to create a route, then hopefully sync it up to something on the internet. Unfortantly, I soon discovered the reason my GPS had givin out on me during my last rideā€¦ the charger port that plugs into the back had somehow disconnected from the wiring. So notebook it was.

Anyway, this has been a fun project, but more importantly I hope that someone actually uses it someday to take this ride.

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