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Final thoughts on this class…
Going into this class, I had little clue what it was about. I figured something like vlogging or making videos would be what it was most about.  I was mostly wrong. 

Honestly, I took this class because I wanted something that wouldn’t be too challenging in my last semester here at Mary Wash so I scrolled through the course list and saw “Digital Storytelling”.  Done, picked it, not math, not science.  Storytelling with computers?  Sure, why not.

Glad I did.  I ended up making some cool stuff throughout the class and saw some really cool stuff made by other classmates. My favorite assignment was definitely the mashup one.
Least favorite: Audio. Mostly because working with groups outside of class is so difficult with scheduling. I barely got to meet with my group even though we had 2 weeks to complete the assignment.

What I liked about the class was how little teaching there actually was. That’s not sarcastic. Really. Rarely were we given step by step instructions on how to complete something. It was usually something like “Download this program and go figure out how to use it.” I loved that. You learn so much more when you figure it out yourself. That’s something one could take away from this class. Go figure it own on your own!

Also, I ended up with some sweet stuff from Goodwill.

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