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*Night Idea* House Show

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What Went Down
Friday night, mah best girl from RVA took me out to see her friend’s band, Night Idea. Recently I’ve been all about recording whatever I can with the voice memos app on my iPhone (totally NOT creepy), so naturally I plowed my way to the front, and “clawed my way to the middle” (i.e. I was front and center) of someone’s living room for the best spot around. And, what did I do once I got there? I recorded the whole damn thing. All 70+ minutes of it. Below is the audio I ended up with chopped up and shortened. I made sure to leave you lucky listeners some of the audience hubbub; complete with that poor dude who never came, and Pat Jack’s rant about the RVA Dreamers.

Band Members
Joey Anderson – Bass
Carter Burton – Guitar/Vocals
Reid LaPierre – Guitar
Ethan Johnstone – Drums

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