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Making Sound Mean

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We’re moving into the audio portion of Ds106 this week (and I still need to do a look-back on all the great design/visual work that the students have done!).

Last night’s assignment was to create a sound effect story, and I actually managed to carve out the time last night to make one of my own.

Park story by mburtis

I’m pretty happy with how it turned out — although I’d still like to go back in and add/tweak some sounds to make the narrative a bit clearer. Hopefully, it makes some sense.

It was also a nice refresher for working with Audacity, and it reminded me of how this is a great assignment to get people exposed to basics of the application. By working with sound effects from other sources, it frees you up to just play with the tool, as opposed to worrying at this stage about the quality of recording.

For the rest of the week, students are working on their segments for a radio show that the class is creating collectively. Each student is responsible for five minutes of the final show, and they’ve chosen the theme “Dog Days of Summer.” One student has volunteered to host the show live on DS106 radio during next Monday’s class. Should be fun!

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