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Naivete and why I’m taking ds106

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I will be a teacher.


I have pretty much known this since I started my college education, but in the last year I’ve become more and more adamant about continuing on to teach high school. Why?  Well I’ll tell you my probably naive reasons.

The experience of learning itself is an important one that is taken for granted.  The power received from knowledge is greater than anything on earth.  Power that can build monuments, write novels, and even create the internet.
This power is not biased, this power is not judgmental, what you can do with your mind is up to the effort you wish to put in to take it there.
I am a firm believer in moving forward.  Laptops in class, tweeting about the novel we’re reading isn’t a distraction, staying connected is the greatest way to expand your mind even further.  Sure, I can give my students a book to read and make them write the 5 paragraph essay, or I can ask them to write a blog from the character’s perspective.  Or to make me a poster for what the movie would look like.  I think Digital Storytelling should be an important part of education, and I want to learn more about it so I can take it there.  Creativity absolutely enhances learning, and we live in a digital world.

I know that the public educational system is in the pits.  I recognize that I will not be able to do everything I want to do, but I want to try to help shape better citizens of the internet.  They’ll be the ones living with us.

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