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Daily Shoot 588 and Visual Assignment 4!

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On this dailyshoot we were supposed to take a monochromatic picture of something. So I used the greyscale effect on my phone and took a picture of a sombraro and some other stuff that my friend had on his wall because I thought it looked cool. Sorry that my past pictures have been so blurry I’ve been using the camera on my phone and its getting a little scratched on the lens. Hopefully after I clean it the pictures will look better!

For this visual assignment I took a picture of an old Arizona “Mucho Mango” can that had some ash in the top. Then using instagram on my phone I used the toaster filter on it to try and edit the colors. They didn’t change too much but I like how it kinda blends in with the curtains behind it. Nothing too too exciting but I think it looks cool.

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