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Video Assignments

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For my video assignments I decided to do the movie trailer mashup and the digital story compilation. For the movie trailer mashup I took the trailer from Inception and the audio from the trailer for who framed roger rabbit. I followed the Andy Rush video on video editing for most of it. I used the fastest free YouTube downloader to get the audio and video for each of the videos. Then I uploaded them into iMovie. Once they were in iMovie thats where, I ran into most of my problems for both assignments. It was a little tricking trying to sync up the two trailers to get it to make sense, but I think it turned out pretty well. For the digital story compilation I uploaded a majority of my pictures from past assignments into iMovie and put them all together. My biggest problem was trying to make the pictures smaller, and I couldn’t figure out how to do that so this is why the pictures appear so big in the film. These video assignments were the trickiest ones by far for me, so I hope they turned out alright.

Movie Trailer Mashup:
Digital Story Compilation:

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