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Seven [Ds106 Assignment]

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There were seven of them. Seven stood atop the hill, looking down on a glowing city blanketed by the night sky. Their heights varied though not by much as they centered around the same age.

The youngest, and most inexperienced was Taz. She stood at the far end of the line-up, hands interlocked behind her back and smiling softly before turning to look at her teammates.

Beck stood next to her. The tallest and likely the the most mature, this was commonly attributed to the fact the was the oldest. Beck’s experience proved to be among the top ranks in the group though she, much like Taz had only found herself to be a member just a few months ago.

To Beck’s right was Fuu. Fuu was the silent type. Though she got along well with other members her general dislike for conversation prompted her to stay quiet on most occasions. However she was also known for  having a more hyper-active side; easily provoked to show when Fuu comes across one of the many things that excite her. Because of common interest Fuu and Beck have a particularly tight bond leaving Fuu, the younger, to look up to Beck as an older sister despite Fuu joining the team first.

Dead in the center stood Karas. She was averaged height in a casual slouch, staring curiously at the city below. It was her job to make the decision, and to give the signal. Karas was the recruiter of the other members; the one who brought them all together.

Karas was flanked by her two childhood friends Aya and Van. Aya was taller by a hairs breadth, similiarly slouched, and fiddling with her unkempt bangs. To her side, opposite Karas, Van stood with fingers linked, and both hands resting elegantly on her stomach.

Next to Beck, Van was also quite mature however her ‘whatever goes’ attitude is what separated the two. Where Beck was highly calculative and gave though to her own actions and to those of the team, Van simply chose to go with the flow of things.

Hachi, second youngest of the team, held the end of their line-up. She was smart, sweet, and swift but also liked to think herself above the rest. She was what they called ‘innocently selfish’ which often lead to small conflicts, but nothing worth exploding over.

Together the Seven formed a team that was unlike any other. Dainty looking, but unexpectedly tough, the girls lived their days roaming the continent, city to city tracking those who would dare disturb the blanket of silence that kept the city nights warm and cozy.


Creating “Seven”:

“Seven” is simple enough to understand, in my opinion. It is the Seven-Character Story Treatment assignment listed on the ds106 website.
As I am still a fan of superhero “tokusatsu” shows such as the Super Sentai (known in the U.S. as Power Rangers) and Kamen Rider I basically imagined myself and my friends as if we were a team of Seven Sentai heros (or rangers) looking down on a city from atop a hill, waiting to decide how we’ll swoop in and save the day (night, in the assignment)

Each member of the team is lined in a specific order, and has been part of ‘the team’ according to how long I’ve known that particular friend. Their names or heavily based on my friends real names, and or their internet usernames that I am familiar with.
Being the main thing that these ‘teammates’ have in common, as well as the writer for the passage my character (Karas) is the leader of the team.

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