Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92929 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Arianna Griffith

    The Best & Worst of the World Wide Web

    When I think closely, in my opinion, the best part of the Internet could only possibly be the Freedom. And yet, at the same time, the worst part about the Internet is the freedom.  Now if you're wondering how I can possibly think that, or making t...
  2. Arianna Griffith

    A Chance Encounter

    Tell Me A Story:I came from a small city in Aomori Prefecture known as Misawa. Being a fan of Japanese Drama's and Music I quickly learned that you don't come across many artists or actors from Aomori. Of my favourites, however, was a hybrid band known...
  3. Arianna Griffith

    Spubble Bubble

    My very own Spubble.At the time of the picture I was enjoying a long awaited cup of my most favourite purin parfait, sold only at ministop. I was so absorbed in the deliciousness of my treat that I hadn't realized that my friend was takingsnap shots of...
  4. Arianna Griffith

    The ‘Crow’ in ‘Yokrow’

    Being that my online identity, username,  -everything has become 'Yokrow' (an infusion between my nickname 'Yoko' and 'Crow' on the count of there were a lot of crows where I used to live) I had only recently decided that with my 'debut' on youtub...
  5. Arianna Griffith

    Seven [Ds106 Assignment]

    There were seven of them. Seven stood atop the hill, looking down on a glowing city blanketed by the night sky. Their heights varied though not by much as they centered around the same age. The youngest, and most inexperienced was Taz. She st...
  6. Arianna Griffith

    Are We All Creative?

     -Re: We Are All Artists by Timmmmyboy, CIS Week 3 Blog PostArt Class Students at Cathedral Senior High in New Ulm, MinnesotaPhoto by: The U.S. National Archives Photostream at under No RestrictionsI would like to point out that through...
  7. Arianna Griffith

    A Glimpse at My Future

    I've been thinking about what the world finds interesting, as of late. I've been trying to find interests of mine that will correlate with those of others because, like your average person, I can be funny but not always. If your asking why th...
  8. Arianna Griffith

    Writing again!?!?

    A while back I decided to start writing a book. Since recent times I've been able to flesh out more of the plot and characters, which is more than one I've done in the past year since coming up with the idea.I won't bore you with details, only that I d...
  9. Arianna Griffith

    Check it!

    Recently my book came in. I've decided to read Eragon. I, who hates reading, have decided to read for fun. But I've heard nothing but delicious goodness of Eragon, and thus am rather excited to get started. I was waiting for midterms to finish so ...
  10. Arianna Griffith

    Enlightenment and Change

    It's been a tough few weeks. In all honesty, probably the worst I can recall. I've been plagued with chaos and emotional distress to the point where I've made myself sick. I've never experienced this; never thought I would.I like to be in control of my...
  11. Arianna Griffith

    Pop and Culture

    "What is Pop Culture"Easy. The homework for Tuesday's class. Nah, I'm kidding. To be honest it's all there in the name. 'Pop' for 'Popular' and Culture. Ah but maybe that's the trouble? What Culture? My Culture? You're Culture? That'g guys Culture over...
  12. Arianna Griffith

    Hellow World

    It's customary for one to introduce themselves in the first blog.How are you doing. My name is Arianna.Naturally I'll follow the custom. This isn't my first blog, in fact it's only one of many that I seem to have networked my way into. Keeping up with ...

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