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Daily Create’s Up To This Point

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HOLY LARGE UPDATE BATMAN! Here are all the daily create’s I have done since the beginning of class.

Yes, you read that right. All of them. Let’s get started.

Number 1: Thirty Second News Broadcast. Collabroative effort with Paul Waltsak


Number 2: Compose a photograph that contains a “finished product” and at least one of its “raw materials”.



Number 3: Take a photo of something’s shadow in a way that makes it difficult to identify the object.



Number 4: Show us your keychain and tell us about the keys and things you have on it.


Number 5: Record a short video that shows an object in motion. Collaborative effort (albeit unwillingly) with Paul Waltsak


Number 6: Record a video of yourself telling a joke. Don’t read it- tell it.


Number 7: Make a photo that freezes or isolates the motion of an object.
Credit for this photo goes to Kenny (The master of Photography) Allwine. You can find his personal site here.


Number 8: Make a creative photo silhouette by aiming the camera into bright light.
Water soaked tree


Number 9: Take a picture of your feet that shows what kind of day you’re having.
Coding and Redditing


Number 10: Take a picture that represents or expresses something loud.
Eagle Nation


How’s that for a wall of information! All of these individual daily creates can be found under their respective categories in the sidebar under navigation. Comments/criticism is always welcomed.

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