Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Daniel Zimmerman

    WRTZ Radio RADtastic

    May I present my humble attempt at a radio header. This is slightly different than a poster. It’s actually a little closer to a bumper sticker, only it’s meant for a webpage header. I used a “template” in the adobe illustrator p...
  2. Daniel Zimmerman

    Down, Set, PHOTOBLITZ!

    I choose to do this in my house. The reason, you ask? It’s simple really… Anywhere else just seems impractical at this hour! (I mean… err… for the challenge of it!) As someone who does not pride themselves in photography I have ...
  3. Daniel Zimmerman

    The Best of Me: My flickr set

    I choose these photo’s because I think they are the best of my pictures. So of them are balanced well, while others have a good contrast of colors. Still others I just like because I’m vain and they have me in them. For those of you who wan...
  4. Daniel Zimmerman

    Radio Bumper

    So this bumper was pretty easy to create. I mashed up myself saying “ds106 radio”, “Clubbed to Death” by Rob Dougan, and some crazy radio static, just not exactly in that order. The beauty of audacity is that you can layer these...
  5. Daniel Zimmerman

    Week in Review: Daily Creates

    Here are this week’s Daily Creates! 1. Take a photo of food being served or eaten in a n unconventional way. tdc36 None 2. Take a photograph of a toy in action. tdc37 3. Take a photo of an object that represents how old you feel. tdc38 Alternate:...
  6. Daniel Zimmerman

    DS106 Propaganda Posters

    This assignment hit me in the head, in much the same way that a brick falling would, on the way back to my apartment after class tonight. For some odd reason my mind wandered to the posters I had seen around the Quarter Deck at my last command; they we...
  7. Daniel Zimmerman

    Week in Review: Daily Creates

    Here are this week’s Daily Create’s. 1. Make a photo of something upside down that is never seen that way. tdc29 2. Share an image of a place that you lose things in your house. tdc030 3. Create a photograph that represents the happiest of ...
  8. Daniel Zimmerman

    Splash The Color

    Gotta love those Blue Birds. They provide so many opportunities for amazing photography. I used picnik and photoshop for this assignment. Initially I uploaded the picture into photoshop and enhanced the blue-ness (is that a word?) of the blue bird. I t...
  9. Daniel Zimmerman


    competition, a photo by dzim1 on Flickr. I was never thinking more clearly than on the water in a crew shell. Most memorable. Happiest… debatable, but definitely memorable.
  10. Daniel Zimmerman


    ski, a photo by dzim1 on Flickr. Annual ski trip to Utah ’11About to go back country skiing. Still a mile or so hike upwards and eastwards from here
  11. Daniel Zimmerman

    Experimenting with my blog

    This was actually a lot of fun. I found this brand spanking new theme that I hadn’t found before. It is much more simple and lets the reader focus on what the posts/pictures/videos say, without having all the sidebar crap in your face. You can hi...
  12. Daniel Zimmerman

    Domain and Webhosting

    So this is my remake of our first assignment. I figure it fits because, in all actuality, I did have to re-setup after our hacking experience.   So the process was interesting. I spent the last week emailing back and forth with Zach from CIC. That...
  13. Daniel Zimmerman

    Daily Createā€™s Up To This Point

    HOLY LARGE UPDATE BATMAN! Here are all the daily create’s I have done since the beginning of class. Yes, you read that right. All of them. Let’s get started. Number 1: Thirty Second News Broadcast. Collabroative effort with Paul Waltsak #tdc12   Number 2: Compose a photograph that contains a “finished product” and at least ...

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