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Remixing Everything

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When I first saw this assignment I thought it was solely about how Hollywood re makes movies constantly oh was I surprised. The part that really stuck out to me was when they referenced Star Wars because to me Star Wars was as original as it gets. The author of this obviously does a great amount of research or really likes watching tons of old movies all day long. Being born in the 90s I had never heard of most of the movies that were referenced as predecessors to Star Wars. The first thing I thought of when I saw this was I hope he covers movies that should not have been re made, In my opinion I thought it was crazy to re make the karate kid because I grew up watching the original like it was my job I loved that movie, and although I like Jackie Chan I still did not want it remade. I found this movie extremely interesting because I was completely oblivious to how much re occurring themes there were and how directors will just take a scene from an old movie and just bring it up to date in thier movie.


One thing I am skeptical about is how purposeful the directors are in reusing old content. In some cases it is clear that it was done but in the vague references I find it hard to believe that the directors took all that time to put a plot together using old movies I feel like that would be a painstaking and long process but I have no experience in professional movie making. It is my opinion that for a lot of the re use the directors and writers came up with it and it either just is a common theme and it just happened to be similar or that they had forgot about seeing the older movie earlier and thought it was their own idea. I think that there is a mix of both scenarios going on and I would like to see an interview with George Lucas about where he got the ideas for the Star Wars scenes so if you know of one let me know. Overall it was an awesome clip and thanks for making us watch it because I would have not found it on my own.

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