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Queridos Madre y Padre, (Dear Mom and Dad) When I first arrived at camp I had absolutly no idea what to expect I was going in completely blind. All I knew was that the entire course was to be online, … Continue reading →
My first daily create was to record a water sound so I was near a toilet so I was like thats easy and I recorded the sound of a empty toilet flushing. My next daily create was to draw a … Continue reading →
I created this assignment because I was inspired to do something that had to do with a camp experience due to the fact that I was summarizing my Camp Magic MacGuffin experience all week. So I created my own which … Continue reading →
Early this summer I embarked on my journey to Camp Magic McGuffin, I was pretty nervous I had no idea what to expect it had been years since I had been to a camp and I had no idea what … Continue reading →
I created this assignment because I just got the idea for this assignment when I was sorting my CDs looking at how different all the album covers are and thought it would be a good idea for an assignment to … Continue reading →
This is a Tutorial to complete the Deserted Island Design Assignment using the Program Paint or something similar. Step 1: Open paint and choose a background color using the paint bucket icon. (You can also find a picture you want … Continue reading →
This is a Tutorial to complete the 9 Lives Assignment using a simple program like paint for example. Step 1: Open Paint and choose your background color, use the bucket tool from the toolbar to color the background. Step 2: … Continue reading →
So it was a good week below are the links to my Daily Creates and my video letter home. So I used an Anchorman theme with some clips of my work from this week which can be found on my … Continue reading →
I really like this topic and was happy to see that we were covering it for a second straight week. First off if I was going to describe a remix I would say that it is a creation of work … Continue reading →
So I used the remix generator and it gave me a remix of the 9 Lives assignment and the twist was to use an aspect of a Dr.Seuss character. I chose to use the Grinch as my character and I … Continue reading →
For this I chose to combine two of my favorite scenes from both movies, I used the sound of the last scene from the movie “300″ and the visual from Lord of The Rings Return of the King. Both of … Continue reading →
For my music mapped video I chose to do the George Strait “All My Ex’s Live in Texas” I chose this songs because I really like George Straits music and this song. For me I found it difficult to get … Continue reading →
This is a review of my iHome, I love this thing besides my computer and cell phone this is probably my most useful object because it wakes me up when I need to get up and it keeps my Ipod … Continue reading →
I thought this assignment was very cool and creative. I decided to make the retro fit the departed to appear to be a silent movie. The first thing I did was download movie clips and trailers from YouTube using Real … Continue reading →
When I first saw this assignment I thought it was solely about how Hollywood re makes movies constantly oh was I surprised. The part that really stuck out to me was when they referenced Star Wars because to me Star … Continue reading →
Although I said I was originally going to re dub the John Wayne movie I decided to do the dance scene from Pulp fiction. I decided this because on Monday I found myself watching Pulp Fiction for the hundredth time … Continue reading →
This clip always makes me laugh because growing up playing soccer and now coaching some rec soccer some of the stuff is not to far off. This movie really made me laugh because so many people take youth soccer far … Continue reading →
The first time I went to see The Fellowship of the Ring I was only 9 years old so even though I really liked the movie I could not fully appreciate it mostly due to that fact that the wraiths … Continue reading →
So I am a bit hesitant to re do or re dub any thing to do with the Duke because we all know its all classic stuff but when I was little this was one of my favorite movie scenes … Continue reading →
So I chose a clip from the movie the departed because the movie itself reminded me of an old time gangster movie you know like an old Al Capone movie or something like that> I want to see how a … Continue reading →
I used the Sound Cloud app on my phone to record this it works really well. Im just starting to get used to hearing my own voice on a recording but still a bit odd I have to admit.
So here is my first letter home that is recorded. It is odd hearing my voice recorded I do not think I sound like that at all in real life so its an adjustment but here it is.
Here is my best attempt at Keanu Reeves Voicemail. I just used the soundcloud app on my phone to record it. Still need to get used to hearing my voice recorded
Here is my awful Asian accent ordering at McDonalds, it transforms a little halfway through I don’t know why but here it is, regardless of the lack of quality of my accent this assignment was fun and very creative.
I thought this was a fun introductory assignment for sounds. I always here creative intros for DJ’s and radio shows and wondered how they did them so I thought this was interesting. I created mine by recording my voice using … Continue reading →
Here is my Story with only sounds I did mine about a fishing trip I used to get the sounds and then used Audacity to put them together. This is the first time using any sort of sounds editing … Continue reading →
Hey Dad, First off happy fathers day sorry I am not there but you know I’m here at camp so I thought I would let you know what I have been up to. First we had to take pictures of … Continue reading →
This was my favorite assignment I did this week for sure. I always see these things all over the internet especially on Facebook but I had never done one myself. I used the website which was suggested in the assignment description. I … Continue reading →
It was difficult to decide on a picture to use, I searched through the creative commons on Flickr for a while before I decided on this one. I got the idea for the text from my friend, her big saying was always … Continue reading →
I chose to use a Camelot theme for my postcard because I watched the Movie King Arthur recently so it was fresh on my mind. First I got a postcard template from google and put it into a paint. I … Continue reading →