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7 Comment Challenge: Tracking all comments

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I admit it, I have been slacking on commenting. I want to get better at it. I just do my assignments then move on to other work. I mean there is only so much time in one day to get things done without significant lack of sleep. With 3 other 400 level biology classes (plus lab) and applying to Veterinary school time does get tight these days. To make up for my lack of commenting and to make sure I keep commenting on others I am taking on the 7 comment challenge. From here on I vow to comment and make sure they are constructive.

This is where I will keep track of my comments:

1. My first comment was on The Man, the Myth, The Paul’s blog on design elements. I couldn’t figure out how to  do the hyperlink on his blog design so I took a snipping shot of it. Also, I’m not sure why the date says October 11, 2012 because it was done on October 10, 2012 around 3:45 pm.

2.  My second comment was on Livegraced’s blog. The post was a jingle about a project. It was really cool and she has such a good singing voice, but her voice was a bit soft. She sounded a somewhat camera shy (which I can totally relate to). Also, I’m still not sure why the time is so off again… (this was 2:54 pm not 6:54 pm)

3. Comment 3 was on Corgis and Cups of Coffee’s blog. She did the assignment Context and played around with Mean Girl’s quotes. I am all for that movie in every way! I really wanted to know what specific tools she used in audacity to create the effects, so I asked!

4. My fourth comment was again on Corgis and Cups of Coffee’s blog. She really is doing some great stuff (especially with Mean Girls) She did a great job on this assignment, I just gave an extra suggestion.

5. The fifth one was on Abbey’s Blog. I was actually drawn to this post because I was debating on doing this assignment myself. I love her example, but I feel like the volume of the mic on the computer is a problem for a lot of people making the voices really soft. I have had this problem a few times myself.

6. My sixth comment was on the blog Watching the Sunset. I really liked the assignment she did (creating a ringtone). She even went an extra step to get her results perfect! I really admire that.

7. My last (but not least) comment was on another assignment I was thinking about doing. Ashley did a great job animating Dr. Suess. She read the book to her dogs and I thought she really did fabulous!

Expect more updates as my commenting binge continues :)


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