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  1. bparsons

    Final Summarization

    My Final Project really brought my whole semester of ds106 together. I felt it really completed my whole blog/meaning of the semester. I frequently worked with my favorite movie, Finding Nemo. I would use pieces of the movie in random assignments. In my final project I tell the whole complete story and add a bit […]
  2. bparsons


    For future students one of the main things is to do your work! Since my favorite party of the class was visual/design I choose to do this. I chose a fortune cookie because they are supposed to give advice and promising things. Basically just follow the weekly assignments perfectly. Make sure you correctly follow how […]
  3. bparsons

    The Big Finale

    The end is near for this class. For my final project I chose to continue with the Finding Nemo theme I had been using on other projects throughout the class. My ideas came together perfectly and I even added a few extras in. When Marlin saw Nemo being taken, he panicked. He chased after the […]
  4. bparsons

    Tutorial: Makeup Your pet

    The easiest way (I’ve found) is to use pixlr. It has a lot more options and effects than paint. 1. When you go to you open Pixlr Editor (advanced). It then gives you a few options to upload from your computer, create new, etc… You want to choose the open image from your computer. […]
  5. bparsons

    Adding to ds106: Daily Create

    It’s getting close to the Holidays, but I feel as if I have been so bogged down with work lately I haven’t had the time to appreciate them. So I decided to dedicate a daily create to it. It’s simple: Just take a picture of something that reminds you of the Holidays. It can be […]
  6. bparsons

    Tutorial: Watching movies with the stereo on

    This assignment is very basic, but there are some key parts. I will be using Windows Movie Maker for this assignment so there are some extra steps. Step 1: Choose a video and audio that could work well together (they have the same theme etc..) Step 2: Find this video using youtube Step 3: Download […]
  7. bparsons

    New Assignment: Pictures into Words

    For this new assignment the objective is to take pictures of objects in your surroundings that could possibly look like letters and form words with them. Try not to use letters in your surroundings, but I understand that some letters are hard to get!
  8. bparsons

    New Assignment Idea: Makeup your pet!

    I knew I wanted my assignment idea to involve some sort of animal. I feel there need to be more animal related assignments for ds106. I came up with the idea of “Makeup your pet”. It involves taking a picture of your pet and painting “makeup” on him/her. I do not necessarily recommend actually putting makeup on […]
  9. bparsons

    Summarization #13 & #14

    Mashup week was actually one of the simpler weeks for me. I expected it to be difficult since this involved using more than one media and mixing them together. However, these assignments didn’t take me very long to do and I feel I got very good results. When I first looked at the week 13 […]
  10. bparsons

    Consumer Mashup

    For the assignment Consumer Mashup I actually had a hard time thinking of something I buy a lot at one specific place. In fact, I couldn’t think of any examples for me. However,one of my friends used to always buy candy at this random CITGO. She would rarely buy candy from any other place. I decided […]
  11. bparsons

    My World is Pink

    I came across the assignment What Color is your World? and thought it could turn out interesting. At the beginning of the semester (well it actually started last year) came up with a specific color combination we wanted to decorate our apartment in. Our main colors are teal with accents of pink, green, and yellow. My ...
  12. bparsons

    Double Remixed Game Covers

    I used the ds106 remix site to find a remixed assignment. It came up with a new assignment using the assignment Remixed Game Covers and added a twist to create a dull powerpoint presentation. I have made many powerpoint presentations in my life so I feel I have gotten pretty used to the normal aspects ...
  13. bparsons


    The assignment Recycle that Media involves taking at least 7 different previously unused works from other ds106ers and create it into a whole new story out of it! I first went through all of the 153 items to see what was available to use. My first thought was “what the????”. I had no idea how to ...
  14. bparsons


    I’ve never really thought about the idea of a remix. But, in today’s world I feel many artists are doing this.  They are taking older songs and making it their own through a remix. They add new things to it, but important pieces of this older song are still incorporated. Take dubstep for example. I ...
  15. bparsons

    Final Project Ideas

    For the final project I chose to continue with Finding Neemo. I have used this movie in various other ds106 assignments and decided what better way to end the class! This movie is definitely my all time favorite and I feel the material in it is very versatile and can translate into many different medias. ...
  16. bparsons

    Summarization #11 & 12

    Two weeks of video assignment week are over! Doing these assignments I realized that every little detail counts in a movie. If one title slide or the music is off it can throw the whole movie out of proportion. It also takes a lot to make these things perfect. I spent around an average of ...
  17. bparsons

    What is Lilo thinking about?

    The assignment, What do Pets think about?, entails that you take a series of video sequences of your pet in contemplating mode and narrate it. I took a different approach to this assignment partly because my audio sound would not record and partly because my pets are an hour away. I really like doing assignments ...
  18. bparsons

    The Fox and the Hound: Framed

    Framed is an assignment that involves taking a 2 minute video and and going through the frames until you find one that represents the overall story of the video. I wasn’t exactly sure what this idea meant so I looked at Amelia’s example with the Pursuit of Happyness. She perfectly showed the main theme of ...
  19. bparsons

    Howling for Lady and the Tramp

    The assignment Watching Movies with the Stereo on seemed pretty basic. It involves to take a clip of a movie and add audio that somehow fits with the clip. When I looked at it I wasn’t aware of how cutting the movie and the music to fit together is key! I tried looking at some ...
  20. bparsons

    Planet Earth now has opening credits!

    When I saw the Opening Credits Redux assignment I thought you could do something really unique with this. This assignment involves taking movie credits and remaking them however you want! I actually did my own little twist on this assignment. I took a tv show that really doesn’t have opening credits and created some for ...
  21. bparsons

    Finding Neemo in Silence

    To me, Return to the Silent Era seemed like such a unique project. It involves taking a modern movie and transforming it into a time piece. To give it an old timey feel, it was suggested to change it to black and white, add effects to make it look antiquated, take away the sound, add ...
  22. bparsons

    Summarization #10

    Week 10 involved exploring videos. I am a huge fan of movies and find it very interesting to look into the production what is involved in creating such fantastic films. I am also looking forward to making my own videos and re-creating some of the classics. To prepare for the weeks of video fun to ...
  23. bparsons

    More on the Pursuit of Happyness

    Many times the viewers of the movie don’t know or understand the details that go into making a movie. However, you can easily find these interesting facts through wikipedia or imdb. While I was further researching the movie I cam across many details about the making of this movie. It is actually a biography based ...
  24. bparsons

    Pre-Production: Opening Credits Redux

    The opening credits give the first impression of what is to come. For the opening credits redux, I have a chance to recreate this in my own way. The most difficult part of the Pre-productions for this assignment was coming up with a good show/movie. I thought about 101 Dalmations, Cinderella (I like Disney classics), ...
  25. bparsons

    Pre-Production: Return to the Silent Era

    For next week’s assignments I decided to do Return to the Silent Era. I have always thought silent movies were really cool and thought it would be really cool to turn a modern day movie into one. I started trying to think of movies that would work really well with this idea. I came up ...
  26. bparsons

    Pursuing Cinematic Techniques

    This was a very interesting way to approach critiquing techniques of visual and audio and how they come together in a movie. Cutting off the senses really makes one focus on the specific aspects that contribute to one technique rather that putting everything together at once. I chose a clip from the Pursuit of Happyness to critique. ...
  27. bparsons

    My Tools are ready!

    I’m very familiar with video-watching tools that my computer has, however I am not familiar with any video-editing tools. This is un-chartered territory for me. But in preparation for this class I have put a list together of tools that I have. These include: M-PEG stream clip (beta) Windows Movie Maker Looked at and ...
  28. bparsons

    The Beginning of Video Techniques

    I have decided to take this week preparing for videos very slow. I think the video aspect is a really interesting topic, as I really enjoy to watch movies. I have never really noticed any techniques or things when I watch a movie, just that everything (video shots, camera angles, dialogue, special effects, actors) all ...
  29. bparsons

    Summarization #9

    The evaluations of The Despicables and Road Trip Radio were actually kind of interesting to do. The criteria really made me focus on how the actual show was put together rather than just the story. I don’t know that if some of the criteria (transitions, effects) weren’t mentioned to me if I would have recognized them ...
  30. bparsons

    A Critique: Road Trip Radio

    Critique of Road Trip Radio: Quality of audio sound  -e.g. is the volume appropriate? are the levels even? Is the sound clear, and free of noises not needed (e.g. mouse clicks, background)? We did some separate segments and has some difficulty with audio levels. I did have to adjust my volume a bit, but we ...

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