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A Critique: Road Trip Radio

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Critique of Road Trip Radio:
  • Quality of audio sound  -e.g. is the volume appropriate? are the levels even? Is the sound clear, and free of noises not needed (e.g. mouse clicks, background)?
We did some separate segments and has some difficulty with audio levels. I did have to adjust my volume a bit, but we weren’t sure how to fix it. I do think our sounds are clear and don’t have any un-wanted noises.
  • Quality of audio editing – use of effects, transitions, are the edits clean?
I think our group had a really good use of effects. We used a little jingle to separate the segments to make it clear when there was a transition. I also think that since we recorded in a few separate segments it cut down on cutting and editing things and it turned out very clean. We also included our commercial and bumper as transition segments.
  • Use of sound effects- how are they used? Is it effective?
We used sound effects during the actual story part to add to the drama of what was happening. I really liked our effects and thought they added a lot to the show.
  • Use of music- how is it used? Is it effective or distracting?
Since this was a story, we didn’t have any other music except our transition jingle. We used this as a very effective transition.
  • Does the show have a structure? Is it cohesive or does it feel stitched together?
I think we did a really good job with structure. Our story is very cohesive and flows very nicely. We used our transitions and jingle to break it up and distinguish between parts.
  • Does it tell a story effectively? Is there a sense of drama, unknown?
Our show does tell a story effectively. We tried to incorporate drama, however we are not actors so a bit more drama could have been added. But, as amateurs I think we did a good job on drama. Our sound effects really helped with adding drama to the story. My favorite was the car crash sound. I think this effect was a big part in the car crash section.
  • If you would star this radio show, how many stars out of five would you give to the show?

I think our radio show deserves a 4/5 stars. Our volume levels were a bit uneven, but I think we used transitions and sound effects very effectively within the story. I also think our story was told very well.


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