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RoadTrip Radio Update

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We have been vigorously collaborating trying to get the details defined before we start our recording! I looked over a few of the older radio shows and got some hints that will help us to really define our show (ex. intro music, how to introduce the show, and how it really comes together). Our group is still collaborating via Google Doc. It has been a bit difficult since I didn’t have internet for a few days, but now I am back on track. My group came up with an outline of how our “road trip” will go (ex. places we stop, people’s reactions, etc..). I added in a few details that will make it more defined for everyone. We have decided to do a different take on a typical story. We want each person to give their own view of how the trip went. I think that is more interesting than just everyone chatting together and having the view just go along with the story.  This way the viewers will get more details on the thoughts of the characters. I believe this will help the views to connect better with each character and really be able to get into the story. We are still planning on meeting once before we turn in the final project to make sure everyone is on the right track.

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