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Story Time With Green Eggs and Ham

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Seuss it

Take a Dr. Seuss book, or perhaps the Berenstain Bears, or one of your own favorites, and read it to us. Give me your best Yertle the Turtle, or Lorax, or Mama Bear and have fun!

This is a 3 star assignment

For this assignment I picked Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham.  This book has always been one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books.   I like reading books aloud so that’s why I chose this assignment.  I had fun reading this book out loud with expression. I first recorded this into Audacity,  I then listened to the recording.  After I chose the recording I liked I converted the file to a .WAV and then uploaded it into Soundcloud.

I had to make a couple of recordings because I messed up making the recording.  The book is so repetitive that it was easy for me to lose my place and mix up words that are rhyming.  Such as the words could and would.

While waiting for my Soundcloud file to upload I decided to make another cover for my soundcloud track.  I went to google images and found an image of the cover of Green Eggs and Ham.  I then uploaded it into photoshop and added the words: Reading by: Abbey Andrews


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