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6 Daily Creates for Weeks 7 & 8

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1. October 8, 2012: eXtreme edit.  Take a photo, then edit that photo to the eXtreme, making the photo eXtraordinary…

Before Edit:


After Edit:

eXtreme edit

I have to say that I was really excited about todays Daily Create because over last week I have learned how to use photoshop online, and I’m happy that I get to use it more.  I took this picture of a fire hydrant on the UMW campus and decided to edit it in a more extreme way.  When editing I used photoshop to make this picture more like a drawing, and changed the color of the picture.

2. October 11, 2012: Non-dominant emotion.  Draw the best picture you can of a human emotion using your non-dominant hand.

Human emotion with non dominant hand

This is a picture of a happy face I drew with my left hand, which is my non dominate hand.  I am not the best artist and drawing with my left hand so that’s why I only drew a smiley face.  I feel like this picture really shows human emotion though.

3. October 12, 2012: Take a picture of the first thing you do in the morning (toothbrush, computer etc.)

First thing I do in the morning

Every morning the very first thing I do is turn my phone on.  I then take it into the bathroom with me so I can keep track of time while getting ready so I won’t be late for class.  I took this picture with the webcam on my computer since I can’t take a picture of my phone with my phone.

4. October 13, 2012: Do a dramatic reading of Emily Dickinson’s “If you were coming in the fall” What does it mean?

For this daily create I recorded this poem in Soundcloud.  I read the poem how I thought it should be interpreted.  I think this poem is about Emily wanting to see someone she loves again that has left her.

5. October 13, 2012: Make a video of water that tells a story, no narration no music.

I know  first off that Daily Creates are supposed to be something done that day, but I was not near a great body of water.  But I did take this video over a trip to Niagara Falls a few years back.  It tells a story of the water falls always continually moving and making noise.  It really blocks off all other human made noise and just lets you listen.

6. October 15, 2012:  Fences and walls can divide or demarcate.  Make a creative photo of a wall or fence today.

Fence picture

What I thought was creative about taking this photo was that this is a different view of what a fence can be.  This is a picture of my back yard deck.  The fence on the deck guards everything else so it will not fall off the edge.

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