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Hmmmm, well if you’ve missed me in the past week, I’m sorry, but I had the opportunity to take a break from doing ALL my schoolwork, and I took full advantage of it. While I haven’t posted anything in a week, I have been working on different things for DS106…aka WRTZ Radio, which is a group project which was assigned and will air sometime earlier next week! (I’ll provide more details so you can listen LIVE!!)

Anyways, I’m easing back into doing work after being a bum at my parents house for the weekend, so here comes the first post of Audio Weeks 7&8!

I’ve got to admit, audio is one of my LEAST favorite things to work with. Sure, I may know WHAT would sound good, but I can never get it just right…So I’m going to jump in there this week and give it my best!! This week we have to complete 10 stars worth of assignments…which doesn’t sound like a lot…but them I remember, “Audio Assignments”…shit, now it’s a daunting task!

So I open up the Audio Assignment Repository and find the “Familiar Sounds” assignment. Looks like it may be okay to work with. It asks “Record some of the sounds that you hear daily that may be unfamiliar to others and build it into an audio story.”, which seems similar to our Sound Effects Story in the earlier weeks. I didn’t really have anything to look at on what I’m supposed to do(the only person that submitted the assignment has had their website go inactive…or something)…So I’m doing this assignment my way!

Here is my sound:

Open the bay, let in the dark.
Another emergency, we embark.
Same shit, different nights.
We turn on our flashing lights.
You’ll hear the wail and see red and white.
But you’ll never know this is connected to the light.


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