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Boy Band Mashup

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I actually came across this assignment when pushing the random assignment button in the assignment bank. I only need two more stars to complete my 10 for the week and was looking for something simple and fun to do. I came across The Contest Nobody Could Win. The title didn’t really make sense to me for an audio assignment so I decided to pursue it further. It ended up being basically a six song mashup. I hear my roommate doing mashups all the time for the dance team and thought it would be interesting to do. I decided to take boy bands from the 90′s (I honestly have no idea why I came up with this theme). I actually already had all of the songs on my ipod which was very convenient. I just uploaded them to Audacity, and then cut them. I zoomed in to get a good cut on them, then moved them to the order I wanted. It was quite simple (which is exactly what I needed this week) but I had a lot of fun doing it! The songs brought back memories of the good ol’ days.

Boy Band Mashup


For some reason, I couldn’t get the file to upload to soundcloud to post it, so I went ahead and just uploaded it using Word Press. The link is above.

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