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Daily Create

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I extreme edited a picture this week. I used picmonkey to fade and direct focus in this photo. It reminds me of a summer dream. This is a picture that reflects a great summer day. After surfing, my friend Jessy and I rode from her house to our friends house on your longboards. This board in particular is really cool. It is a special board called a ham longboard. It’s kind of like riding a surfboard on land. I faded out the rest of the picture and focused on the artistic sway of the board. This creates a hazy picture as if it is a dream. However, the focus point is still bright, almost overloaded with a sunny filter. So there is a happy warm, summer dream feeling. Mhhmm now i miss summer…

Shred head

Daily Create If trees In my yard could talk. Our two dogs live in the backyard. They love it, but in the summer it’s hot any they dig in the dirt to cool themselves off. Weird dog facts. haha. But a lot of the holes they dig are at the base of our trees. I’m sure if our trees could talk that the dogs would be their main complaint. I made this recording on my sound cloud account. Then,I smacked it on here for you all the chuckle ..or roll your eyes…at. :)

This picture may be scary. But it’s okay it’s morning! Looking weird is allowed. I don’t know what to say about this daily create. I think it speaks for itself. First Thing You Do In The Morning..

Photo on 2011-12-10 at 23.05 #2

I eat me some breakfast! Got to get that brain power for 8am Spanish class.

Water always has a story to tell. I mean it travels from the ocean to the mountains. Across countries. Water is not only essential to life but in almost every aspect. My daily create shows water telling a story of my summers. My aunt and uncle have a lake house where we spend many weeks visiting with family. Growing up they have always taught us to ski, kneeboard and wakeboard. I have grown to love wake boarding. Their daughter, my cousin, has not fallen in love with wake boarding  quite yet. But, I got her to come out with me this once.

As the boat pulled us up on different ropes we both road together. Smiling and just having fun. No tricks, just enjoying each other and the water.

Fences and walls can divide or demarcate. This is so true. Fences keep people our or make something clearly and beautiful defined. This is a fence of a park. It protects the area and gives it a safe feeling. But the gate is open to anyone. So it doesn’t bond people out.

converging lines

Something that means a lot to me? My beach! well the beach in general. Our world is so beautiful. But as the earth becomes populated and industrialized we loose sight of nature. The beach is one of the few places where you can be surrounded by creation for free. It also leads way to my favorite body of water. The OCEAN! I’ve grown up by the beach. In fact my job and hobby revolve around it!



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