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Bad Body Style – feat. Carley and Bieber

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Saved the best for last!! (Actually, maybe not the best, but definitely the hardest!) I’ve been sitting here working on “The Contest Nobody Could Win” Assignment for about 2 hours…and sadly, I am not a winner.

BUT that’s okay, because I had fun and got to mess with audio! (This makes me want to remix songs…but for some reason I know that won’t go well :P ) This Assignment asked to take 6 very short fragments of songs, and put them into a single piece…Well, I definitely breached my 6 second limit and ended up with about 30 extra seconds! Audio Assignment – 1 Rob – 0 But truly, I think this assignment is better named, “The Impossible Contest”. Otherwise this would just be a 6 second shriek of crazy audio/voices. I hand it to those who put the effort into creating something really good in 6 seconds…But, I think with 6 longer pieces of songs, I created a nifty little story! Especially since a lot of music nowadays is sexual, I think this is super-perfect! And when some of the song changes happen, they happen a lot smoother than I had anticipated, so that made my life easier!

Anyways, enjoy and tell me what you think!




Do you know the songs?

Song 1 – Music from my roommate freshman year
Song 2 – Music from my roommate freshman year
Song 3 –
Song 4 – Music from my brother
Song 5 –
Song 6 –

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