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Creates for Week 7&8!

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For the past two weeks we had to complete 6 different daily creates….. the first daily create I completed  was “eXtreme edit.  Take a photo, then edit that photo to the eXtreme, making the photo eXtraordinary….”
Preparing for Halloween with Jenny :)

I took the picture while my friend and I were carving pumpkins and added a cool saturation theme and color effect to it, through iphoto applications. I then uploaded the picture to flickr and tagged it with tdc274, eXtreme, ds106 and dailycreate.

The second daily create that I did was called “If a tree in your yard or a houseplant could talk to you, what would it say?”

i though would 

to create this I opened audacity and pressed the record button and recorded what i thought would be the best comment.  I then saved the recording and exported it then uploaded it onto under the group tdc275.

The third daily create i did was called “Non-dominant emotion! Draw the best picture you can of a human emotion using your non-dominant hand.”


To create it I opened GIMP and used my right hand to draw this awesome picture of being happy.  I saved the picture and then exported to my desktop.  I then uploaded it onto flickr tagging it with: tdc277, dailycreate, gimp, happy and humanemotion.

The fourth daily create I completed was called: Take a picture of the first thing you do in the morning (toothbrush, computer, etc.).
Photo on 2012-10-13 at 09.06
Every morning I wake up and eat my vitamins :) ….so I woke up, grabbed my computer camera and took a picture of the bottle. I then uploaded the photos from photobooth to flickr and tagged it: Photo Booth, tdc278, dailycreate and vitamins.

The fifth daily create I did was called “Fences and walls can divide or demarcate. Make a creative photo of a fence or wall today.”
I used a picture from when I was at the tennis court with my friends, i thought it looked pretty cool. I uploaded the picture onto flickr and tagged it: dailycreate, tdc281 and fence.

The last daily create that I did was called “Take a photo of someone/something that means a lot to you. What is its story?”
Something that means a lot to me
The story behind this stuffed animal is that I got my eeyore when I was about 12 and he has never left my side sense then. It really is the only character I really loved, plus I always loved pulling the tail off randomly. I took a picture of eeyore with photobooth and uploaded it onto flickr and tagged it with the tags: tdc284, dailycreate, eeyore and ds106.

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