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Daily Creates: Two fer week

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I normally don’t do a special post for my daily creates, however for the two-fer week there were quite a few. I liked having two weeks to get them done and feel I wasn’t as pressured to do some. I could really choose through the ones that I thought I could accomplish well and that I liked.

  • For the first daily create it was do an extreme edit. My mom had just sent me a picture of my dog racing and I thought it was really cool (she is the one in lead with the red collar). I decided this was the perfect picture for the job. I uploaded it to pixlr and started playing around with tools. I wanted to give it different colors so I played with the hue and saturation, color balance, and inverted it a few times (not sure of the correct order) and came up with this.

Lilo for the Win

  • The second one was to draw an emotion with your non- dominant hand. For me, this was my left hand. I am not horribly un-coordinated using my left hand, but i’m not the best either. Everyone else was drawing happy emotions when I looked so I decided to do the opposite. I wasn’t sad that day or anything, just wanted to do something different. I just took my markers and did a quick doodle.

Non dominant emotion

  • The third daily create was the first thing you do in the morning. When I roll out of bed every morning the first thing I do is head straight for the shower. I cannot function without my morning shower. It wakes me up and prepares me for what the day has for me.

First thing I do in the morning

  • The fourth was a creative picture of  fencing. I did this late at night which really hinders my choices. But I remembered my mom’s Hummel collection. There was a little boy sitting on a fencing. 


  • The fifth was of something that means a lot to you. This necklace belonged to someone who was very special to me.


  • The last was of running water. I didn’t get to this daily create until late at night. There wasn’t really any running water (nature-wise) in my house, plus it was dark out. I decided to take a video of my sink. But, this isn’t just any sink. It’s actually really cool. It is one of those bowl sinks and I think the faucet is really cool also.



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