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Two Weeks of Audio Awesome

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Weekly Summary – wherein I kick the rear cheeks of some serious audio assignments.  Because nothing makes me cry without recompense.  :P

Audio Assignments

Audio.  Wow.  Just wow, audio.  So many tears for me.  I really can’t explain my stupid nervous tick that brings unwanted tears to my eyes and redness to my face when I have to hear my own voice on recording.  It’s a special kind of torture, it really is.  But I did it.  And if I’m honest, once again, I had a crap-ton of fun doing it.  :) I present to you:
Over-Dramatic Reading

Jingle Jangle

May I Take Your Order?

Make ‘Em Laugh, and

Imitate Some Weather

Audacity has become something I can non-chalantly throw files into and play around with as I wish.  That’s exciting for me.  It’s hard to believe I’ve actually enjoyed working with it this past week.  And that’s not to mention all the file-sharing sites such as freesound, soungle, etc.

Once upon a time, the assignments were scary.  Now, it’s just my voice that’s scary.  The rest of the process is no problem at all.  And I have to say, I noticed that when my husband pops in to accompany me, it’s nowhere near as frightening to do even the initial recordings for assignments. :)

Un-used media share

How fun!  I actually already filled my poor little free flickr account with so much unused media, that I had to buy an account to continue using Flickr during Design week.  So I’m happy to provide materials to be used by someone.  :)   I love to take pictures and such, but have no delusions of grandeur concerning things I might one day do with the images I capture.  I’m well aware that I am way too busy.  So, have fun with that, whoever uses them. :)   I included Water Bottle Close-Up, Creepy Continuance, Photographing Perfection, and Dominant and Subdominant.

I will say here, that in one place on the Two-fer assignment post, the description requests links to these photos, and in the other, it says not to do this yet.  I’ll opt for the latter for now, and correct it if asked. :D

Daily Creates

I have to admit – I wanted to take advantage of the audio assignments provided within the past two weeks on the daily create, since it was Audio Week and such at ds106.

But in the end, the stuff I got done was the picture and a little bit of video.  Even a little drawing, actually.

Even though I want to learn it, I guess I just cannot be made to record my voice without feeling forced to do so. :)   Oh well.  These will have to do, I suppose.

Radio Show Reflection

The Greatest Show On Earth.  That’s what we made.  And I personally think we should copyright that name, because I truly think we honestly earned it.  You don’t think anyone else has that name already, do you? ;)

This whole process taught me so much about layering, about radio show structure, about progressing a story through audio tools and effects, about managing and moving audio files, about sharing different kinds of media through the web and communicating with people through the web.  Really, I’ve learned a ton.  It’s remarkable how many every-day life applications I have found for the kinds of tools, skills, and knowledge I’ve been getting from this class.

Heck, I even learned that I have a new favorite coffee place. :)

Our show is THE BOMB.  Even I wish there was a second episode for it.

I have to admit, I didn’t say too awful much in the actual recordings.  I did my best, but spontaneously, I just really have a hard time getting myself to talk in front of others, especially knowing that a recording is going.  But I feel like I did a good job of helping to keep the group on task, focused, and giving constructive critiques throughout the recording and planning stages.  I also feel that my bumpers and commercial ideas (the parts that I contributed) were beneficial.  And I loved that I got to be present for a lot of the final editing process, even though Dan is the best at that and really ran that part for the most part.  It helped me a lot to be able to be there for that step.

It’s been a fun couple of weeks.  I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store for us next. :)

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