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Week 9 Summary

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RoadTrip Radio Evaluation:  It was a lot of fun listening to someone else’s radio show.  It is really interesting to see what another group has come up with, and how different each radio shows can be from one another.  I wasn’t able to listen to every show live but I did try to listen to most of the shows live on ds106 radio on Monday and Tuesday.  I also liked comparing my radio show to the format of the other radio shows that were produced.  Overall all the Radio shows I head were great.  All the radio shows were different from one another in their own unique way.

Storytelling Within the Web: I thought this assignment was going to be really challenging but it ended up being a lot of fun.  I told a story within the web on amazon. Changing the book Chicken Soup for the Soul to Chicken Soup for the ds106 soul.  This product is supposed to make people feel really good about ds106 through the highs and lows of the class.  For this assignment I even used photoshop to design a new book cover.

5 Stars of Web Assignments:  I really enjoyed the two web assignments that I chose to do.  They were really fun do to.  I wish there were more to choose from.  My favorite of the 5 stars I had to so was the what they might’ve done in social media.  It was fun to pick a historical character and picture them using social media in today’s time.

1.  Way Back Time Machine– 2 stars

2. What they Might Have Done in Social Media– 3 stars

3 Daily Creates tied together with a story: It was fun this week to do daily creates, but I really enjoyed tying them together to make a story.  It just proves that stories are everywhere and can be anything.  I was trying to do 3 daily creates in a row, but when I saw that the daily create for October 25, 2012 was to make a video in pig Latin, I couldn’t do it.  I never understood how pig Latin worked so that’s why I skipped a day.  I have still really enjoyed doing the daily creates.  They’re fun quick assignments to do throughout the week.

Reflection on Week 9:   I have enjoyed this unit on story telling on the web. I really enjoyed the two assignments in the web assignment repository.  I never really knew much at all about editing a website and such. The assignment that I thought would be the most challenging actually turned out fairly easy after watching tutorials and understanding the editing of a a web page.  I really enjoyed this story telling on the web unit and I’m really looking forward to what will be coming up next in ds106.  I really can’t believe that we’re over half way done with the semester already.

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