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DAily Create

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What a funny daily create. A picture of rocks? It’s okay I enjoy an search for photography. I found some rocks keeping the bank safe from the crashing waves.


I love the ocean and any other form of water. I’d rather spend everyday beside the sea surfing, swimming, and resting. If I could i’d traveling and adventure all the days of my life. Maybe that day will come. But, for now I’ve committed to college.

Make a sound that’s not familiar to others but is to me? Well right now…The sound of my cup scraping on the desk. Been in the library so much. That is one of the few sounds i’ve heard in the pst couple hours. haha :) …But not funny

Studying and days of working from dawn to dusk are difficult. But you have to work hard to enjoy what you love. It’s enough to make the hard days a little brighter. They things I love in life give light to the stress and struggles.

My Prized Possession. My surf boards. The possession that allows me to enjoy the ocean. I have a short board. Which I got as a birthday gift several years ago. I don’t ride it very often because the waves in Va Beach seldom get big enough for it. I also have a longer 9’6″ Dewey Weber.  I bought this board with my own money. I spent two years searching craigslist and surf shops till I found this beauty. Long boarding is a much different ride and it is my favorite style of surfing. I spent all summer getting to know and love this board.






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