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Turning daily creates into a story….

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For this weeks daily create we have to take the daily creates we did and turn them into a story.  The daily creates I did this week included Record a sound familiar to you but strange to others, Take a picture of a rock, and Soup soup glorious soup! Photography some soup today!.  The story I came up with, including all the daily creates is below…(Fictional story)


One night I lied in bed not able to sleep, all I could hear was the noise of my air vent….

Unable to sleep I decided to go into the kitchen and cook some soup. I chose New York clam chowder..

I opened the can and pored the soup into the bowl, then warmed the soup up. I started to eat the soup when I noticed that it was a little more chunky than I had remembered it being the last time I ate it…. To my surprise there were rocks inside the soup. I washed off the rocks and took a picture to send to the manufacturers.
Photo on 2012-10-24 at 19.03
After a few weeks I received an letter back from the manufacturer stating their apologies.

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