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Web Assignment #2

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For assignment number 2, I did this one. The Way Back Time Machine is absolutely fascinating. I looked at, because it was the first thing that came to my mind.

This is the first image, from 1996. I took a screenshot with jing and uploaded it to flickr. It’s pretty cool, because it seems to be more of an archive rather than the sensationalized thing it is today. Also, the resolution looks like it didn’t adjust (which annoys me). The colors are also horrendous.

This one, from 2004, is an interesting one. It appears that the briefly changed the url to, which would be more accurate anyway, since their archive is not especially history-ized. Also, the big red space to the side bothers me a little, but the color is a little better.

This image is from present day. Here it is clear that the history channel has done some serious reworking of the concept of history and has become more like TLC with the entertainment aspect. Swamp People and Pawn Stars sure are entertaining, but are they really deserving of the url Also, the site sensationalizes itself now, but if you were to type in an actual historical event, they misinterpret it and are usually a bad source.

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