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Reading Film

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I watched this first slip from Good Will Hunting

In dissecting this scene I first watched the clip with no sound. You start out far away. And then the camera zooms in on each character. First on the old man. The camera is in a direct angel to him. Then, they switch to the younger boy.  But this time, it is from a side angel. The camera cuts back to the old man still at a direct angel. However, as it stays one him, the angel slowly rotates. After a while. the old man is to the right side of the screen. Then the camera continues to rotate till it is shooting the old man at an angel of his right side. Slowly, the camera zooms away from only the old man and adds the younger boy into the shot. After this, it switches back and forth angled to face mostly the boy with the man partly in it. Then, back to the old man with the boy partially in the shot. Finally, as the man leaves the camera pans over to the younger boy and switches back to the distant shot of him on the park bench.

A second time I listened to the clip without watching it. As they begin their conversation there is a lot of background noise. As the conversation goes on the background noise fads out. The words they use are much different then what I thought they’d be talking about. The background noise continues, you can tell they are outside with the constant static (road) sound. There are random things such as bird noises. As the old man speaks you are drawn into his story. Almost forgetting about the other boy. He talks without any interruption from the boy. But then the old man starts talking about the boy and brings him back into the picture. Music cuts in after a hard question is asked bringing the clip to an end

All together now. As the sound and film come together the story is put in full. There is a lot more emotion in the conversation as I watch the man actually talking. And even as I listen to the old man talk I am constantly reminded of where He is in the park. The boy never talks once the man starts talking. But, the boys eyes show what he is thinking. The boy only uses facial expressions to communicate.

After researching what it was like to read movies my perspective on this clip is much more in-depth then it may have been. I see that the angling of the camera emphasizes the character speaking. As they talk the zooming in focuses the viewer on the seriousness of what the old man is saying. Then as the camera introduced the boy back in we see that it is at an angel that allows the viewer to realize how the story is impacting him. The angel of the scene makes the viewer feel a part of the conversation. As it takes on character out of the shot it gives the side shot of the character from the view of the other guy on the bench. In affect, I felt as though I was sitting on the bench.

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