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Video Editing Tools I can Use

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To start off the week I am looking into all the video editing tools that I have.  Since I have a windows computer I will be using Window’s Movie maker. I have no experience with Window’s Movie Maker.  I actually have never heard of it before this class, but it already just came with my computer.  I also looked into this will help convert my video files into AVI format.  One software that I am a bit familiar with is MPEG Streamclip.  I used this software when I was creating my gif for week 2 of bootcamp.  The only thing is I haven’t used the software since week 2 of bootcamp so I will have to refresh my memory on how to use it.  I remember that using MPEG Streamclip helped me cut out the part of the movie scene that I did not need for my gif.

Those are the video tools that I have available to me for now.  I will probably have to download more software as I go and I will add it to this post.  I really have no experience with video editing or editing tools so I will be learning a lot this week.

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