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Pre-Production of Video Assignments

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It was fun looking through the video assignments.  There were more choices in the video assignments than in the web assignments which I really liked looking through.  Here are two assignments that I’m considering on doing for week 11:

1. One of the video assignments I am going to work on for next week is Return to the Silent Era.  This assignment appeals to me because it looks really interesting and it will let me explore more on video editing.  I also like how there are plenty of examples and tutorials for this assignment.  I am going to choose the movie trailer from Disney and Pixars Monsters Inc.   It is one of my favorite Disney Pixar movies.  I haven’t decided for sure what song I’m going to use for sure but I’m thinking about Lux Aterna by Clint Mansell.  This song had the kind of eerie sound to it and it’ll make the movie look more scary than it actually is especially since the movie will be silent and in black and white, and about monsters.  For this assignment I’m going to youtube search a movie trailer for Monster’s Inc.  After that I will then go download the trailer to my computer and open it up in Windows Live Movie Maker, and figure out how to edit it from there.

Now here are my reviews of two already done assignments:  I really liked looking at what work people did in the past.  It was fun and helped me get ideas of what to do for my assignment.

1. Disney Pixar’s Up: I thought I’d review a Disney Pixar movie because that is the kind of movie that I’ll be doing.  I really liked this silent trailer, and I think the music for the trailer worked really well telling what the movie is all about.  I love the movie Up and this silent movie trailer was really good.

2. The Hunger Games Silent Trailer:   I thought I would review the Hunger Games Silent movie trailer because it is one of my favorite movies and book. I’ve seen this trailer multiple times while I was anxiously awaiting the movie to come out last March.  I thought it was interesting to see the black and white.  And I really liked the music that went with it, but at times I didn’t think that the music went all that well with what was happening in the movie trailer.  There was also a comment that someone posted that said,”did you think about adding title cards for dialogue?” I agree with this quote because there were times when title cards could have been needed.

2. The second video assignment I am going to work on for next week is Animated Music Video.  This assignment is in the video assignment repository.  It is not one of the suggested ones that were in the week 10, I was looking through the video assignment repository and found this one.  This is because I really loved watching cartoons while I was little.  I thought it would be fun to create an animated music video.  One of my favorite cartoons when I was a kid was the Power Puff Girls, so I’m going to go find clips on YouTube from the show.  For the song I want to use is Adele’s Rolling in the Deep.  I think this song is epic enough for this great cartoon show.  My song choice may change as I start really working on this assignment.  I will then upload all the clips to windows movie maker and work with it from there.

Reviews of two previous examples:

1. Old Squirrel Cartoon: I really liked this music video for this cartoon.  I have never watched this old Squirrel Cartoon before but  I have to say the song Promiscuous Girl by Nelly Furtado and Timberland went really well with what was happening in the cartoon.  I like how this person edited some of the clip to include the sound from the cartoon, while most of what you heard was the music playing.

2.  Phineas and Ferb: I picked this one to review because I have heard of the show Phineas and Ferb and watched a few of the episodes when I was younger. I like how in this post the user showed us how they made the video.  This person also included introduction text that told me what the video was called, and this person also included a credit at the end that cited their sources.  I liked how the images went with the lyrics in the song, but I thought the point of this assignment was to make an animated music video with actual clips from the cartoon.  With that said the clips were well put together, and I enjoyed watching this cartoon music video.

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