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Legos and VHS… It’s been a long week :P

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Week10 DailyCreates


GIANT Lego Carr
*DailyCreate November 1st*

GIANT LEGO CARRR... Forced Perspective.

How’s that for FORCED perspective O.o   I had a lot of fun with this dailycreate. The objective was to make an object that was small look big or big look small. I chose to do small to big. This was harder than expected. I took many different pictures with various angles to make it look just right.


VHS.. Barney and Mary Poppins. (:
*DailyCreate November 2nd*

Womp Womp.. I feel so old.. VHS-styleee

Womp Womp.. I feel so old.. VHS-styleee… Take a picture of on object that represents how old you feel.. I still feel way old when I see a VHS because NO ONE owns them anymore :P This was a fun photo to construct.. (: I also decided to edit it and make another photo… I used Photoshop! I used tint and a frame(: as shown below:


I also submitted an idea for a dailycreate(: as shown below:

A monkey on iceee(:

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