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Final Weekly Summary-Week 15

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Final Project and reflectionI am very pleased with my final project.  This final project took a lot of time and work, but I’m happy with how it turned out.  I focused on my dog Sophie.  The story is simple, Sophie goes on a walk by herself and gets lost, in the end though she finds her way home.  I created a Pinterest board first in her name so you can get to know her and what she likes to do.  Then I created a video (all from Sophie’s point of view) of her going for a walk and getting lost.  This is then where she comes across a dog named Haydn who shows her the lost dog poster of her that helps her find her way home.  I hope with this story that it sends a message that even though you get lost, you can always find your way home.  Watch the whole video, there’s a little something extra at the end.

The Definition of StorytellingI have to say that my definition of storytelling has stayed the same since I started this class, but I have expanded on my definition of digital storytelling.  Digital storytelling is everywhere, you just have to find it and realize that it’s a story.

2 TutorialsI wrote up my tutorials last week because I knew during this last week of classes will be very busy.  I wrote a tutorial on how to do the Recycle the Media assignment and That’s Pinteresting.  My Pinterest tutorial mostly is focusing on how to use Pinterest and creating an account because the assignment is easy to do after you have an account.  For both of these tutorials I used screen shots to show how to do the assignment.

2 New Assignment Ideas: I also created two assignment last week because I knew that the last week of classes and preparing for finals will be very busy.  I created a visual and design assignment.  The visual and design units were my two favorite units of ds106.  I created a visual assignment called From Dark to Light or Light to Dark.  This assignment requires editing a photo to make it lighter or darker than it is intended.  The design assignment I created is called What I did When I was Younger, this assignment is about designing a picture of you when you were little to make it tell a story.

Best Work CategoryFor my best work section of my blog I have 6 different pieces of work that I have done over this semester of ds106.  These assignments are from boot camp, design, video and visual.  It was fun looking back on all my work to see how far my work has come throughout the semester.

Advice to Future StudentsFor this assignment I created a poster using photoshop editer of the 10 commandments of ds106.  These 10 commandments show what future ds106 students should expect in the class as well as some tips and advice to get through the class.  When I came into this class I really had no idea what to expect.  I was lucky that I even got into the class because I’ve heard that it fills up so quickly.  Just some advice for future students that are not in my 10 commandments of ds106 is that this class is a lot of fun.  Don’t get too stressed out on figuring out how you’re going to do all your work for the week.  If you start early and don’t procrastinate you will do great in this class.  I know that every Monday when the new assignments for the week came out I got stressed out wondering how am I going to get this all done in a week.  Some other advice is to pace yourself through each week.  Good luck to all future ds106 students.

Final Reflection: I honestly cannot believe that this is my last post on my blog for ds106.  (I still might use this blog for other purposes)  This class went by so fast, and I learned so much in 15 weeks.  I really enjoyed my experience with ds106.  This was my first online class that I’ve taken, and I will say that my experience here has been positive. I was not very familiar with any of the units we’ve covered this semester.  I was most familiar with visual and design, because I like to take pictures, but I never really knew how to edit them just right.  I was really unfamiliar with audio, I’ve never listened to the radio much before.  Now I listen to the radio in my car everywhere I go now.  I also know when listening to a radio show how much work actually goes into it.  I really liked the group radio show project.  I was happy that my group was able to meet in person, it made me feel like I actually got to know some of the people in my class this semester.  I was also very unfamiliar with video editing before this class.  I had no idea my computer had Window’s Movie Maker.  But now I feel really comfortable with editing videos.  I know that I will definitely keep my knowledge of everything I’ve learned in this class, and use some of the material to do projects for fun.  I will miss this class when it is over, but at the same time I’m glad that this class has come to an end.  I would definitely recommend to other people to take this class, it is a unique class experience that you won’t find anywhere else.  So now as I conclude this final reflection I say, goodbye ds106, you’ve been a great and interesting experience!

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