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in[SPIRE] & Storify

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As I was browsing through the in[SPIRE] site, I found four or five really cool works, but one stood out to me in particular.


This work is called “Self-portrait” by John Dorman.

I found it so striking, because it’s not just one photo…It’s dozens of photos used to make a whole picture.  I don’t think I’d ever have the patience to do this, unless a program did it for me.  I’d get too frustrated, too fast!  As far as stories are concerned…Not only is this a story as a whole picture of what the creator looks like, but each individual photo tells a portion of his life.

Next, I skiddlybopped over to storify to search through the best work of ds106 from Fall 2012.  I stumbled upon this movie mashup by twerkO.  At first, i was skeptical, but I actually found it pretty funny.  I love the movie Bridesmaids, and although I haven’t seen The Apparition, I was still able to enjoy the mashup.  It was two stories being told at the same time, but your mind put them together as one, creating a plot you’d never think about.  I’d really like to learn how to do a trailer remix like this, because as I’m looking through all my movies right now, there are a ton that would mash well and be very funny.

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