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Sound Effect Story

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On top of making a radio bumper this week, we also had to dabble in sound effects!  We were challenged to create a short story using nothing but sound effects.

To begin, I went to Youtube to find the various sounds I wanted to use.  The ds106 handbook  says that I could have used to download the videos, however that site just would NOT work for me!  Instead, I googled what else I could use, and came up with iLivid.  After finding my sounds and downloading them via iLivid, I used MPEG StreamClip to trim the sound to exactly the amount I wanted.  I then opened Audacity to put the sound into there.  Looking back, I probably could have just trimmed the sound in Audacity, but I was having trouble with that when making my bumper, so I didn’t try it again.

After all that, I came out with this story!  It wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but I went with whatever sounds were easily available.

I used a whistling and walking sound effect, bugs bunny “Eh, What’s up doc?”, a shot gun sound effect, bugs bunny screaming, and a running sound effect all from Youtube.


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