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Picasso Myself! **

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While browsing through the ds106 Assignment Bank, I found a 2 star rated Visual Assignment called Picasso Yourself.  It called to create a Picasso-esque portrait of my own face!

I didn’t know how to start this one, so I looked through any tutorials on the assignment, but they weren’t very helpful, because I didn’t want to use a webcam to edit my face.  Instead, I googled how to warp photos and found Morpheus Photo Warper.

After downloading and opening this program, I opened a new layout and chose the photo I wanted to warp:

Warp tutorial2

Once my photo was loaded, I added dots all over my face, so that I could manipulate those areas of my face.  From here on, I just played with what my face would look like if I moved a certain dot.  The program showed two photos, one original and one edited, so that I could see what I was doing:

Warp tutorial

Finally, I saved the photo and uploaded it to Flickr.  Et voilà!

Picasso Visual Assignment

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