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Sketch it Out! **

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I was inspired to do the 2 star worthy Visual Assignment Draw It, from the ds106 Assignment Bank,after reading Cole Wyrough’s blog post, Online Sketching.

I decided to do a flower set of photos, so first, I chose the pictures I wanted to use.  I then opened Picasa and edited each one by clicking Pencil Sketch.

Fullscreen capture

Once I did all the photos, I put the old and new ones side-by-side, so you could see the difference, and uploaded them to Flickr.  Enjoy!

Rose Pencil Sketch

Blossom Pencil Sketch

Wedding Pencil Sketch

Tulip Pencil Sketch

Daffodil Pencil Sketch

Flower Pencil Sketch

Red Flower Pencil Sketch

Sunflower Pencil Sketch

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