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This week, we had to do a 20 minute visual assignment, called Photoblitzing.  I took all of the photos in my bedroom, because I figured I would have a lot of light contrast and objects to photograph in here.  First, we had to take a picture of something that shows the current time, such as a clock or watch.  I used the clock my Dad gave me and started at 12:50pm:

Start Time

We then had 20 minutes to capture as many of the ideas below via a photograph:

  • Make an ordinary object look more interesting, almost supernatural.
  • Take a photo that makes use of converging lines.
  • Take a photo dominated by a single color
  • Take a photo of something at an unusual angle
  • Take a photo of two things that do not belong together.
  • Take a photo that represents the idea of “openness”
  • Take a photo that expresses a human emotion
  • Take a photo emphasizes mostly dark tones or mostly light ones.
  • Make a photo that is abstract, that would make someone ask, “Is that a photograph?”
  • Take a photo of an interesting shadow.
  • Take a photo that represents a metaphor for complexity.
  • Take a photo of someone else’s hand (or paw)

My time ended at 1:15:

End Time

I found a lot of the ideas hard to represent via photography in my room.  Halfway through the assignment, I realized being on campus would have been easier because there would have been a wider range of things to shoot, but living off campus,  I was too lazy to drive.  I had to move a lot of stuff around in my room in order to get a decent shot, such as lights, when on campus, the light would have been uniform for everything, and for me, I like taking photos in sunlight better than unnatural light.  I also should have given more thought about each subject idea before starting the timer.  I wasted time reading each one and then having to come up with an idea for it.

I uploaded my 5 best photos to flickr and tagged them with ds106photoblitz so that others could see my photos and I could see what photos they took.

My first was taking a photo of something at an unusual angle.  I have an old style desk lamp, which you usually only see the top of, so I decided to take a picture of it from underneath:

Abstract Angle

I then took a photo of two things that do not belong together.  What are more opposite than sweets and working out?? (BTW I ate the cupcake after and it was delicious!)


My next photo of five expressed a human emotion.  Since Valentine’s Day just passed, I have a couple of roses in my room, which I think signify love/romance:


Finally, the last two shots included my roommates kitten who was watching me do all this stuff.  She made for an interesting shadow (more like Batman I think) and someone else’s hand (or paw):

Cat Shadow

Cat Paw

After I completed my portion of the assignment, I went to the ds106photoblitz tag to comment on my classmates work.   I really liked Casey‘s photo, Evil, because she used angles to give the animal a different emotion then it would have had if she shot it straight on.


My next favourite was Dylan’s photo, all red everything, because I love lobster and it was a creative way to use an animal/food to show a photo dominated by a single color.

all red everything

The 3rd photo I liked was done by heymsparker, to make an ordinary object look supernatural: A new vision.  Having light at only one end of the hallway makes it look very creepy and how a horror movie looks when someone’s trying to escape a terror.

A new vision

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