Morgan Freeman.
I just wanted to type his name, for a second..
Anyway, the next assignment I will post has to do with my mission statement as an existing, working, money-making non-biased independent cisgender female human individual. Let me break it down for you.
Here is a reference link to give you a better idea as to what I’m supposed to be talking about.
STAR: To inspire people through design
CORE MOTIVATOR: the limitless potential of my imagination and the freedom to use it to the fullest.
(10 years) Art director/Boss Wo-man – will have built a solid portfolio showcasing years of experience and expertise, as well as the portfolio of various companies, and maintained excellent rapor and communication with various companies and employees within those companies to reach a high creative potential for each company/person.
(5 years) Managerial position – will be working in a team environment with other designers to execute quality designs and marketing strategies, as well as working with junior designers to help them use their skills to their full potential, and grow within the business.
(Short Term) Graphic Designer – working in a creative atmosphere with collaborative, like-minded individuals, and learning about the company I’m working for to be able to further enhance their portfolio and point of sale to appeal to/continue to appeal to a wide demographic of people.
MISSION STATEMENT: Through years of experience and sound expertise, I hope to one day use my skills as a designer and team leader to create inspirational designs through various creative platforms. Working in an environment that lets me develop new ideas and take on different challenges will help increase my ability to continue creating. I am open to learning new creative strategies, as well as implementing them to maintain a high level of sufficiency when producing quality work for clients. Work hard play hard..?
Stay tuned for my post about Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary audiences, SWOT analysis, and LEAN canvas.
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