Morgan Freeman.
I just wanted to type his name, for a second..
Anyway, the next assignment I will post has to do with my mission statement as an existing, working, money-making non-biased independent cisgender female human individual. Let me break it down for you.
Here is a reference link to give you a better idea as to what I’m supposed to be talking about.
STAR: To inspire people through design
CORE MOTIVATOR: the limitless potential of my imagination and the freedom to use it to the fullest.
(10 years) Art director/Boss Wo-man - will have built a solid portfolio showcasing years of experience and expertise, as well as the portfolio of various companies, and maintained excellent rapor and communication with various companies and employees within those companies to reach a high creative potential for each company/person.
(5 years) Managerial position - will be working in a team environment with other designers to execute quality designs and marketing strategies, as well as working with junior designers to help them use their skills to their full potential, and grow within the business.
(Short Term) Graphic Designer - working in a creative atmosphere with collaborative, like-minded individuals, and learning about the company I’m working for to be able to further enhance their portfolio and point of sale to appeal to/continue to appeal to a wide demographic of people.
MISSION STATEMENT: Through years of experience and sound expertise, I hope to one day use my skills as a designer and team leader to create inspirational designs through various creative platforms. Working in an environment that lets me develop new ideas and take on different challenges will help increase my ability to continue creating. I am open to learning new creative strategies, as well as implementing them to maintain a high level of sufficiency when producing quality work for clients. Work hard play hard..?
Stay tuned for my post about Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary audiences, SWOT analysis, and LEAN canvas.
Here are some banner ideas I’ve been working on. Right now I’m using the one at the top, as per my own personal preference.
It’s story time again! This time, for class, I have to come up with a ‘character’ who would be a prospective client, or part of the target market/demographic that I, as a graphic designer, would like to appeal to. Trying to pin-point who this person would be is kind of silly, because I, as a graphic designer, would like to appeal to literally every living human being on the planet. I have no bias when it comes to clients who want me to do magical graphic design work for them. But, for the sake of this assignment, I will delve further into this individual’s persona, life, hairstyle, favourite food, favourite place to clip their toe nails, etc. We’re gonna go in depth with this one. ‘Real in depth (because saying ‘real deep’ would sound almost too funny, and really unprofessional).
What is their name? Mallory
How old are they? 26
What is their favourite (song/book/movie/magazine/food/clothing/etc)? They like to make their own music/books/food/etc.
How much money do they have to spend? $547.39
What do they spend it on? A cool logo design for their online web comic
What are their media consumption habits? They consume media on a daily basis, but take a day out of their week to ‘take a break from technology’.
How do they get their news every day? Their phone, online publications
What sites do they frequent? Tumblr, Facebook, Etsy, Pinterest
What sort of conversations do they get into on facebook or twitter? She likes to debate the concept of normcore with their mainstream goth counterparts, and post the odd ‘funny cat’ video. She once had a religious debate over worshiping the Flying Spaghetti Monster. She is quoted as posting, “How do you know the Flying Spaghetti Monster ISN’T real, and Jesus IS? You’re wasting your life, man. Get a job.” This was a facebook conversation with her father.
What is their username on twitter, or other handles they use? Mallencia, ErzibetBathory666, MallorytheVeganSlayer
Anything else that completes the picture of this person as a media minded net citizen interested in your brand
In the following days I will post their ‘story’ and how they came to be an (imaginary) potential client/prospective demographic for my work.
I am currently in the midst of trying to finalize my brand persona, and one of the main things to consider is WHO my designs will appeal to - I need to reach a demographic of some sort, slowly but surely. So, when I think of a potential ‘fanbase’ or type of person/people that I would like to work with, I would imagine that this person would have heard about me through a friend, or by my reaching out to them on a collaborative level and vice versa (through websites, social media, etc). They would have checked out my portfolio online (soon to be in existence *fingers crossed*), thought it was really great and that my style of design/photography is really appealing, and can be sold to a wide demographic of people and make lots of money, obviously. I don’t mean to digress, but let’s not kid ourselves in defining what us ‘creatives’ do, and that is we create a product for profit, and that profit will allow us to create even more products. Time is money, and when you have the money, you can allow yourself the time to create ‘more’. If this is accurate, and makes sense, then that’s great. But, if I just sound like a naive know-it-all trying to market myself to a social equity of less than 500 individuals, then that would be accurate as well. Being an INTJ personality type, I am comfortable in admitting that I know what I don’t know.
In continuation, on a professional level, if this person is to work with me/hire me, a professional relationship based on mutual collaboration would be preferable, so to not misrepresent whatever product I/we design, and give me free run of my own creative process and idea’s. I would like this person to have a set goal in mind for my product - from a second-set-of-eyes perspective, they would know how to use the product, why it is appealing, and can explain to/influence others to become interested in it as well. They would be savvy in regards to networking and socializing with other people, and believe in the product and its success, and what avenues to reach out to in order to obtain that success. Otherwise, I will probably end up getting sucked into a corporate void without this type of person/fanbase. In conclusion, this relationship between me and a potential fanbase would be that:
1) I generate designs/products that lurk somewhere within the Marianas Trench of the colourful and fractured dream-space that which is my mind
2) They crack the whip against that raging bull, and let it rampage through a quiet street in a Spanish pueblo.
If you’re trying to come up with a brand for yourself, you have to know who you are, and if you know who you are, then the good people of the world will know who you are. And if the GOOD PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, KNOW. WHO. YOU. ARE. Then you, my friend, have a successful brand.
I am small, I am fast, and I am tough. I am the Mighty know, minus the cape, rodent DNA, and cartoon illustrated physique..’Still relevant. ‘Still wish I could put that on my resume.
As part of the assignment for this week, we had to generate a graph that corresponded to the story line. The top part is the positive part of the story, and the bottom part is the negative. So, you can see how the story line progresses throughout the graph - in the beginning, the Fox was slightly depressed and sick of his roommate Homeless Allen, and then he goes to Vegas, where you can see the second point on the graph reach the positive. When he meets Ginger and Trixy-Lou, the story plummets to the negative part of the graph (third point), and he pulls himself out of despair and soon reaches the final point of the graph, which is in the positive area. A happy ending, for the Fox.
The Fox has been reborn into the phoenix that he was destined to be, and stood in front of a hashtag-filled sunset. There can be no better ending to a poorly designed comic strip than that. Thanks for reading.
The Fox has been reborn into the phoenix that he was destined to be, and stood in front of a hashtag-filled sunset. There can no better ending to a poorly designed comic strip than that. Thanks for reading.
When the tough got going, the Fox shouted an internal war cry of resilience. The only thing that can break the Fox, is himself. What will become of the aftermath? Will East Hastings hold a charm that wasn’t yet seen until he hit his rock-taxidermied-bottom? What HAS Homeless Allen been up to since Chapter 1? All this and more, in Chapter 5.
If the suspense hasn’t killed you yet, then that’s ok, it wasn’t really supposed to.
Will the Fox fall into a never-ending pit of hopelessness? Will Ginger and Trixy-Lou taste the sweet hammer of justice? All probing questions to be answered, in chapters soon to follow.
Fat stacks. Drugs. Dark sunglasses. ‘Stoned Fox is on a whirl-wind adventure, alright - a whirl-wind adventure of lost morals, and regret. Stay tuned to find out how Fox deals with the jagged and hollow heart of consequence, in Chapter 3.
The Stoned Fox has a story to tell, and for my Social Media Strategy assignment, he’s gonna tell it to you right.
In my defense of creating this story, I’m not a writer, but I do enjoy taking advantage of my time spent being formally educated in art school to use my Photoshop skills in the worst way possible. It’s so bad, it might be good.
My new favourite thing - the stoned fox. Russia’s most prized piece of taxidermy, in all of it’s hilarious glory.
The bottom image is what I created using Photoshop. I did some burning and dodging with the fox and the jar of Nutella, but over-all, I didn’t do a whole lot to this design. I’d say most of the work came into making the selection in Photoshop for the fox, and the Nutella jar. So anyway, the way I wanted to engage and post this to my blog is by using a known and humorous piece of content from the internet, and incorporating it into a wholesome family photo to place an emphasis on how funny and weird, and slightly creepy the fox makes the image.
For this assignment, I will answer a few questions.
1) Which networks do you access most often?
- Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram
2) What other options are there?
- Twitter, Tumblr, Vimeo, Pinterest, etc..
3) Are there networks less popular than Facebook but nonetheless focused on something you are passionate about?
- Pinterest (not sure if this is the proper criteria for this assignment, but I like Pinterest, so..)
4) How would you like to present yourself or your personal brand to the world?
- One day, if at all possible, video would be cool. Maybe I’ll start up a Youtube channel, or use the one I already have a lot more than I already do..
Personal Cyber Infrastructure: This video represents how I sometimes feel about using Facebook and Twitter.
To reflect upon my process wherein I had to gather numbers of people throughout my social media history, and conclude an online social equity, was pretty interesting. I never really knew, or cared about the actual quantity of people following my blog, or liking my posts, or favourite-ing anything I put on the internet. This never registered for me, until I summed up the amount of people who actually looked at my stuff, on a grand scale - Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Linkdin, etc - 307 people.
I didn’t have an epiphany, but I realized that this number has to be drastically bigger, in order to achieve an online presence of professional substance.
How I achieved this number? Procrastination, laziness, and self-doubt. I don’t think you need to be a full-blown narcissist in order to reach a certain online status, but you definitely have to have a product that you can market, and if that ‘product’ is yourself, then market yourself. #ibelieveicanfly