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Let The Swords Do The Talking

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Two may enter, one may leave. These two warriors meet in the field to take each others head, but only  one is successful after a long battle of clashing swords. This short audio story leaves a few questions: Who is the victor? Was he in the right or was he in the wrong? These questions will go unanswered because we don’t have any visuals to go by and that is what makes audio storytelling so beautiful.

I really enjoy making stories that involve two people in a conflict, so I figured that creating a story like that with only sound effects would be an interesting take on what I usually do. Watching the Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad videos earlier this week also had a bit of influence on my decision to make this short audio story. Using these sounds, I hope I will be able to co-imagine with the audience. Now I think I even prefer audio story over a visual story.

In order to create this short story, I used Audacity to put together all of the sound bits that I used. I didn’t do much editing for the most part. I just spaced apart each of the  sounds, so they would be a bit more fluid.

I did end up reusing the same walking sound bit for the ending of the story where the victor walks away. As you can see from the image below, I used the Reverse effect under the Effects tab to flip the sound bit, so it would be different and simulate feeling of walking away in a field.


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