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DGST 395: Week 1 Summary

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One of the critical topics we discussed during the introduction week to DGST 395 was digital fluency. Digital fluency is necessary for an individual looking to pursue a career in digital marketing, such as myself. One aspect of digital fluency that we discussed in class was AI. Truthfully, I cannot remember a time in the past year when I heard a professor discuss several positive impacts of AI. In class, we discussed how AI can be an excellent tool for generating ideas and assisting with digital projects, but it is always important to include proper citations. The concept of AI correlates to another term we covered in class this week: digital citizenship. While using AI, it is essential to demonstrate the qualities of an ethical and safe digital citizen.

Another theme during week 1 of the course was digital praxis, the general term for using technology. I am excited to learn about a plethora of tools that will enhance my capabilities for a career in digital marketing. Before this course, I already had my UMW Domain of One’s Own set up. My prominent domain is set up with different categories where each post is placed into the class for which it was completed.

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