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Retroactive Blogging

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OK, so I haven’t been very good about blogging my Daily Creates, but I’m taking a moment to catch up on those. So some real quick thoughts about the Daily Create. At first I was a little nervous about it, something different and creative everyday? That’s crazy! But having done it a couple times now, it’s a blast! It’s totally weird and challenging and random, and unusually entertaining. So here’s what I’ve done:

Daily Create #1

So this was the first one I had to do, and the goal was to grab a picture of two contrasting places. Now, I have nothing against McDonalds, but theses two seem to contrast a little bit. It’s always a little funny to smell McDonalds cooking as you walk out after a workout.

Daily Create # 2

The goal of this one was to visually represent SOPA. I think it’s fairly self explanatory.

Daily Create #3

And then the tongue twister. Honestly, I suck at tongue twisters. I had to talk so slow and deliberately to pull that off. The cool part was that was the first video I had ever uploaded to YouTube!

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